I’ve seen videos of people on social media, cleaning closets and pantries, Maybe clearing out old files and photos or organizing your desk. I suggest also cleaning up
Introducing or reintroducing intimacy into your relationship for the first time after experiencing sexual trauma or after giving birth can be extremely difficult. Many individuals experience some level
Thanks to the all-natural and premium CBD ingredients, the feelings derived from using this lube went above and beyond mine and my partner’s expectations. Having used the lubrication
Yes, it's in your head. But it's real--VERY real. Painful sex and Vaginismus affects everything in your personal life. You feel ashamed, broken, joyless, embarrassed and wrong.
Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and owner and founder of The Neuromuscular Studio in Tempe, AZ, Rachel Carroll discusses how pregnancy and connective tissue are related to pelvic floor pain.