Womanizer Premium: A Solo or Couples Vibe!

We love Womanizer for many reasons, but primarily because it’s not actually a vibrator. Womanizer uses Air Pulse Tech, releasing rhythmic and targeted puffs of air to the clitoris in order to give arousal. Making no actual contact with the clitoris, this has been an amazing option for folks who may not like vibrations or experience clitoral sensitivity.

On of our lovely customers wrote in their experience with the Womanizer Premium, the most advanced version! Using it solo or with a partner, the options to maximize your pleasure are endless.

Womanizer Premium Review

“Pleasantly shocked and surprised the first time I used it solo. I just could not believe how the puffs of air produced felt exactly the same as when my partner uses his tongue to flick my clitoris, the glans clitoris to be exact. That first time using it solo took about 30 seconds to climax and orgasm; it was quick, intense and very satisfying.  I have not used it solo since, and to be honest after that first time I was almost scared of it because the sensations produced were so intense. That orgasm blew my mind and I almost felt guilty that I wasn’t sharing that experience with my partner, not that he would have minded but it was THAT good.

Since then though, it has been used for sensation play with my partner and not just for clitoral stimulation, but has been used on my skin and nipples. If you enjoy your nipples being stimulated, I would highly recommend this product for sensation play as well.

I appreciate the very ergonomic shape and the silicone used is very soft, supple and feels very sexy to the touch. It is waterproof and the stimulation attachment also comes off, making it very easy to clean. It comes with two different sized attachments to ensure an optimal fit for you to create the best feeling for you. The only thing that I would recommend, is that your partner familiarize themselves with the Womanizer before using it the first time.  It was a bit of a buzz kill during the heat of the moment when he could not figure out how to turn it on, since the On/Off button is located above the LED lights close to where you attach the charger.

When you are holding the Womanizer Premium, the Power button is located in the palm of your hand as opposed to where you would expect it to be where your thumb naturally rests towards the middle, where the intensity buttons are located. It is a little bit more of an investment, but it is OH SO WORTH EVERY PENNY.”

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