Women, Cycling & Crotches: A Summer Guide

Women, Cycling & Crotches

A summer guide to healthy cycling

Numbness, nerve damage, swelling and bacterial or yeast infections are all a risk for women taking longer bike rides. Try some of these tips to stay healthy while enjoying the outdoors this summer.

Stay Clean

After biking, get out of those sweaty clothes! Put on some breathable, cotton underwear. If you’re wearing padded shorts, always wash them before wearing. If you need a little more help, try a pH-balanced cleanser or wipe like Sweet Spot Balancing Mist or Cleansing Wipes.

Right Size, Right Saddle

Only ride on a bike that is the right size for you. Then, try different saddles to find the most comfortable fit. The angle and height of the saddle can also be adjust to affect pressure points.


A cyclist riding at a 30 degree angle can have as much as a 70% reduction in blood supply to the vagina. Riding at a 60 degree angle can alleviate this pressure (90 degrees even more)

Move Around

Whenever you can, take the pressure off the crotch by standing up on your pedals or shifting in your seat. Feeling numb? You’re probably over-do for a break! It doesn’t hurt to get off the bike every now and then to stretch.

Source: http://www.womenscycling.ca/blog/health-tips/cycling-genital-problems/
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