Q: Shall We Play a Game? A: YES
|A lagging libido could be the result of sheer boredom. Sure, you love your partner but where’s the “zazz”? Even if you DO feel like your lives are fun and adventurous, you could still feel less than amorous. It could be time to step out of your comfort zone and get back to playing–bedroom games, that is.
No More Mystery?
Think you know everything about your partner? Sometimes it seems we’ve been with someone so long, we could finish their sentences. And maybe you can. But maybe it’s time to start a different conversation. There’s always more to discover about your partner and yourself. You know how someone else can get your partner talking about something you never knew about? That’s because they’re asking different questions. Bedroom games provide new scenarios, questions and challenges to consider. If you find yourself saying “I’d never ask/do that/think that,” that’s the point. Your partner WILL surprise you and, if you let yourself go with the flow, you will surprise yourself, too.
A Stickler for the Rules
Sometimes, it can help to have someone or someTHING else to tell you what to do. This way, neither of you are judging “Why’d she say that? She’s never brought that up before!” Instead, you are both simply abiding by the rules of the game. The structure gives you freedom. In the same way a game of Bocce can be an icebreaker with your Italian family (personal experience here), so can a game be that way for your relationship. It could even generate better problem-solving and collaborative skills as you try to figure it out together.
Get Silly
Playing bedroom games with your loved one can help add a buffer of silliness, fun and experimentation that can open you both up to being physical with each other or unveiling more about yourself. Sure, it may seem a little silly or corny. Or, maybe you’re thinking “I shouldn’t need a game to have sex with my partner!” Well, maybe you DO.
If you miss that connection you once had, bedroom games in the very least provide you time to focus only on each other. No television, no phones, no children interrupting.
Whatever you’d like to label it, the undeniable truth is that a game will allow you to have a platform and a reason to let your inhibitions down. You may end up trying something that you might never have come up with on your own. You can uncover that nervous, giddiness that comes with trying something new and potentially naughty.